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How to Calculate Circle Aluminum Plates’ Weight

October 23, 2018

As an industrial product, circle aluminum plates are usually purchased by weight rather than by piece quantities. Generally sellers would ask “how many tons (not pieces) would you like”, because circle aluminum plates are bulk commodities in international business. They serve as main raw materials for factories of cookware, lighting and various containers. All these products are in increasingly large demand in the market and are produced in large quantities every single day. When you purchase circle aluminum by weight, how to check whether you have received circle plates of the given weight?

circle aluminum plates

The directest and simplest solution, of course, is using a scale. Large scales help to check the total weight, and small scales the unit weight of a single piece. This sounds perfect, but how do you know you get circle plates of your desired size as well as weight? In other words, your specification for the plates are stable, how do you know whether the weight matches the specification? If you get a theoretic weight of a plate, you can just weight it and check the error. It’s a simple formula in math. Suppose the diameter of a circle plate is D1, its thickness T and its density D2, then the weight of the aluminum circle should be (D1/2)2*3.14*D2. Here 3.14 refers to pi (circular constant), which can be much preciser if you’d like. D2 is changeable, because the density of different alloys differ from each other as well. Another solution is to draw the plate of a given specification with a software system like PROE and make the system give you the weight after its calculation.

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